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Eudemon - Eudemon Composing

Main Attribute Composing Sub-Attribute composing Initial-Attribute composing Luck Composing
ID Composing Luck Increasing Eudemon Clover Orb Composing
Agate Composing    

Every Eudemon has its own Growth Rate (GR). It is unique to every breed, so it cannot be changed. It would be be very beneficial for you to find a Eudemon with a good GR. But if you can't find any, GR can be increased when composing.

There are 5 ways to compose Eudemons:
Main Attribute composing, Sub-Attribute composing, Initial Attribute composing, Luck Composing and ID composing.

Every time you compose, your Eudemon will gain points. One point for being reborn and additional stat points from composing. For every 100 points, your Eudemon will gain a star. After being reborn, you will be able to see its upgraded qualities and stats despite the fact that it is only level one. Eudemon Professor Aderes (Market 319,444) can help to compose your Eudemons.

After composing, a major Eudemon will go back to level 1 while the minor one will disappear. It's race may turn to thunder or it may get a unique gift after composing.

Main Attribute Composing
Main Attribute Composing refers to the main attributes of a Eudemon. For example, a WarriorPatk's (Warrier ((Eudemon)) physical attack) main attribute is physical attack; while a WarriorAtkDef's (Warrier ((attack)) defense) main attribute is attack and defense. Hence, anything following Mage or Warrior is indicitive of the Eudemon's main attribute.Your major Eudemon's Growth Rate will increase after completing a main attribute composition. For example, a WarriorPatk's Atk GR (growth rate) is 11.4, after composing, it's Atk GR may increase to 12.3. But you will need to retrain it from level 1. If the composition fails, both your major and minor Eudemons will go back to level 1. But the minor Eudemon will not disappear.


(1) Major eudemon < = 5-Stars:
A. Major eudemon > = level 40.
B. Minor eudemon > = level 20.
(After composing, At level 40, your major eudemon will jump to its original level.)

(2)Major eudemon > 5-Stars:
A. Major eudemon > = level 70.
B. Minor eudemon > = 40.
(After composing, At level 60, your major eudemon will jump to its original level.)

(3) Major eudemon >= 10-Stars:
A. Major eudemon >= level 70.
B. Minor eudemon >= level 50. With additional quality requirements.

As your Eudemon gains strength, the requirements for its Main Attribute Composing will be stricter. For instance, if your Eudemon's main attribute growth rate is above 1500, you will need to find a Eudemon of the same race as your minor Eudemon. There are five races: Wind, Earth, Water, Fire and Thunder. However, a thunder Eudemon does not have a race requirement for its minor Eudemon. Main Attribute Composing may fail although your major and minor Eudemons will both go back to level 1 and gain 1 point.

Sub-Attribute Composing
Sub-Attributes are all attributes aside from the major attribute. For example a WarriorPatk's major attribute is Physical Atk, while it may have a number of sub attributes like: Physical def, Magic Atk, Magic Def, and Hp. Sub-Attribute Composing will never fail. The major's minor attribute growth rate(GR) will increase and return to level 1. And the minor Eudemon will disappear. Requirements:
A. Major Eudemon > = level 70.
B. Minor's minor attribute's GR must be higher than the major's (in at least one area) and be >= level 40.

Initial-Attribute composing
The ini-attribute(s) of a major Eudemon will go up after doing this. However, the major Eudemon will return to level 1 and the minor one will disappear. Ini-attribute composing will never fail.
A. Major Eudemon > = level 70
B. Minor Eudemon > = level 40 with it's initial attributes higher than that of the major. For example; if the major Eudemon's initial HP is 24, and the minor's HP is 120 the major's HP will increase.

Luck Composing
* Major eudemon: Level>=70 and luck > =70.
* Minor eudemon: Must either be the same race as the major Eudemon, or a UniversalO or a UniversalXO Eudemon and have a level>= 40, and a luck > major Eudemon's luck.
* The major Eudemon's luck will increase. It will then return to level 1. The minor Eudemon will disappear.

ID Composing
Eudemons will get a unique ID after their second evolution. You can select your own ID number if you choose to do so.
Requirements to change your ID (Major and Minor Eudemons):

* Both must be at least level 70 and have an ID code.
* You must have a Red Stone.
* Both Eudemons will return to level 1.

Luck Improving
The major Eudemon's luck will increase. It will then return to level 1.


* You can use a Violet Stone. If it fails, your Violet Stone will disappear. If successful, your Eudemon's luck will increase by 1 point and return to level 1.

* When your Eudemon's luck reaches 110, a Super Violet Stone is needed to increase your Eudemon's luck. If it fails, your Super Violet Stone will disappear. If successful, the Super Violet Stone will disappear and your Eudemon's luck will be increased by 1 point and return to level 1.

Eudemon Clover
*Equip your clover and you will get the best possible results for main-attribute composing. You can buy Eudemon clovers from the Shopping Mall with ep's or from the grocery with gold.

If there is a Eudemon clover in your inventory when you begin main attribute composing, you'll receive a notice asking if you want to use it during the composing.

Clicking yes will allow you to receive the benefits outlined in the above text.