Getting God`s Blessings...Cheaper?
Author: Nite_of_Silence   Time: 01-02-2007

So you want God`s Blessing? Who doesn`t? For the lower level players it`s insanely valuable and will level them much faster then they could possibly do on their own.

Most newer people though think, "Jeeze, 828 EP... I`ll never get that much."

And it`s true. Newer players have a harder time getting EP because it takes EP to make EP.

There is a way though.

Anyone can get a months worth of God?s Blessing for LESS then 800 EP a month. In fact, it`ll be about 180 EP a week. Here`s how you do it:

You`re going to need 180-200 EP to actually start. This can be done by selling crystals making them out of refined items) for around 1-2 EP each, finding EP during events, selling XP Balls(for those over lvl 50. Can make 1-2 Balls a day for 25 EP each), or selling other odds & ends. Once you get enough EP, head over to the market.

Here you`re going to do some thrifty shopping. You?re looking for RedStones. Specifically ones selling for under 100 EP. Sometimes you can advertise that you wish to buy them for 90 EP, or you can look around the shops.

Once you have 2 RedStones, head over to Joans (281,478 in the market). She is your new best friend who`s going give you a MoonsBlessing for 2 RedStones. Some people may think, "A week? What good is that?"

Think about it...

Every week you buy 2 RedStones from the market for 90-100 EP each. Thats around 180-200 EP for a week of Godsblessing. So for 4 weeks a month which is the same as God`sBlessing from ShoppingMall) it will cost somewhere between 720-800 EP for the month, which is quite a bit cheaper then the 828 EP for a full month.

It`s also a bit easier to maintain, seeing that you need to get 2 redstones a week, which can be done fairly easily for the average player, or if you don?t play as much, you can always go a few days inbetween blessings.

With a blessing, obviously you will level up MUCH faster. And at a higher level, you can start killing things that drop more valuable objects which in turn will make you more profit. Just think of this as an investment for your future. Sure your spending all your EP on keeping a Godsblessing up, but you`re gonna be a very high level. So in the end, you spend your EP to be able to make more EP in the long run. :)

Good luck 

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